Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
Sometimes referred to as myofacial pain disorder, TMD is a common condition that may affect 3 in 10 of the adult population at some point in the lives. Generally the condition lasts for a few months. Symptoms of TMD include: clicking/popping/grating when chewing, pain in the jaw, front of the ear, cheek and temple, difficulty opening the mouth, headaches/migraines, earache, neck ache or backache. Causes include: jaw clenching, teeth grinding, wear of the jaw joint, uneven bite or as a result of certain diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout or fibromyalgia. Most cases of TMD are short-term and will subside with non-surgical treatment such as life-style changes or facial physiotherapy. Severe cases of TMD would be referred to a maxillofacial surgeon such as Mr Kunjur.
Mr. Kunjur has had specialized training in this field, he is able to carry out simple procedures such as wash outs of the joints to completely replacing the joints when the disease processes have completely destroyed the joint.